Ultimate WP SMS supported merge tags
Phillip Dane
Last Update 8 months ago
In the Ultimate WP SMS Pro message content field, the following merge tags are supported:
- %fullname% or %name% – when the message is sent, this tag is replaced by the message recipients full name.
- %firstname% – this tag is replaced by the recipients first names (i.e. everything but their last name)
- %lastname% – this tag is replaced by the recipients last name.
- %number% – the tag is replaced by the recipients phone number.
- %lastpost% – the tag is replaced by the URL of your last blog post.|
- %uws_id% – the member ID of the recipient.
- %uws_email% – the email address of the recipient.
- %uws_address% – the address of the recipient.
- %uws_city% – the home city of the recipient.
- %uws_state% – the home state of the recipient.
- %uws_zip% – the zip code of the recipient
- %optout% or %opt_out%– the keyword you’ve selected for opting out of this group
- %uws_groupid% – the id number of the group a member has subscribed to.
- %uws_groupname% – the name of the group a member has subscribed to.
- %uws_groupdesc% – the name description of the group a member has subscribed to.
In the Ultimate WP SMS Pro WooCommerce tab and in the Woocommerce extension:
- %woo_cust_firstname% – the first name of your Woocommerce customer
- %woo_cust_lastname% – the last name of the Woocommerce customer
- %woo_cust_number% – the Woocommerce customer’s phone number.
- %woo_order_price% – the total price of the order
- %woo_order_number% – the Woocommerce order number
- %woo_order_status% – the status of the Woocommerce order.
- %woo_order_products% – the ordered products
- %woometa_<your custom field name>%. For example, if you have created a custom field called ‘name’ in Woocommerce, then you can include the value of this field into your SMS message, but using the merge tag %woometa_name%
In the Ultimate WP SMS Lite message content field, the following merge tags are supported:
- %name% – when the message is sent, this tag is replaced by the message recipients full name.
- %number% – the tag is replaced by the recipients phone number.
- %lastpost% – the tag is replaced by the URL of your last blog post.
The Ultimate WP SMS Scheduler Extension adds the following merge tags:
- %date% – the date when the message is sent.
- %time% – the time when the message is sent
- %timestamp% – The timestamp of when the message is sent.
- %uws_scheduledate% – The date when the message was scheduled to run. For use in Schedule Planner messages.
- %uws_scheduletime% – The time when the message was scheduled to run. For use in Schedule Planner messages.
- %uws_scheduleoffset% – The offset period selected in the Schedule Planner for this scheduled message.
- %uws_scheduleunit% – The offset unit, e.g. days, months, years, selected in the Schedule Planner for this scheduled message.
- %uws_subscriptiondate% –The subscription date of members receiving the messages sent through a Schedule Plan.
The Ultimate WP SMS Notifier Extension adds the following merge tags:
- %name%, %fullname%, %firstname%, %lastname% – the name of the group member receiving the SMS message.
- %posttitle% or %post_title% – the title of the new or updated post.
- %postauthor% or %post_author% – the author of the new or updated post.
- %postlink% or %post_link% – a URL to the new or updated post.
- %postexcerpt% – includes the first 20 words of a post into the SMS message
- %postid% or %post_id% – the WordPress post ID.
- %post_date% – the publish date.
- %post_date_gmt% – the publish date in GMT.
- %post_content% – the content of the post.
- %post_status% – the status of the post, e.g. pending, published etc.
- %post_modified% – date when the post was last modified.
- %post_modified_gmt% – modified date in GMT.
- %post_guid% – the unique identifier of this post.
- %post_shorturl% – returns the short URL for this post. If you are using Jetpack it will return the wp.me short URL.
- %post_feature_img% – will insert the URL of the post’s featured image.
- %comment_status% – indicates whether comments are permitted or not.
- %commauthor% – the author of the comment.
- %commlink% – a URL link to the new comment.
- %commcontent% – the content of the comment.
Also provided is a merge tag for custom fields. The format for this tag is
- %postmeta_<your custom field name>%. For example, if you have created a custom field called ‘name’, then you can include the value of this field into your SMS message, but using the merge tag %postmeta_name%