UWS Shortcode
Phillip Dane
Last Update 3 months ago
UWS Shortcode
Total 4 type of shortcode.
Type is required field to make them work.
1. Add/Subscribe user to any group/groups
[uws_form type='subscribe' group_ids='2,3' multitype='multiselect']
Params :
- ‘group_id’ in case need to show subscribe from for 1 group
- ‘group_ids’ in case need to show subscribe from for muliple groups. comma seprated
- ‘multitype’ when we have multiple group you can show them in 3 different way. Checkbox, select and multiselect
- ‘name’ want to show name field in form or not. yes/no
2. Like Contact Us which will send message to admin group selected in the settings
[uws_form type='contact_us']
Params :
- ‘group_id’ want to add user to any group
- ‘open_button_text’ popup button text
- ‘title_text’ title of the form
- ‘name_text’ label of the name field
- ‘number_text’ label of the number field
- ‘message_text’ label of the message field
- ‘send_button_text’ text of the submit button
- ‘popup’ want to show popup or simple // yes/no
3. Remove yourself from group/groups
[uws_form type='opt_out']
Params :
- ‘title_text’ title of the form
- ‘enter_number_text’ label of the number field
- ‘enter_number_button’ submit button text
- ‘current_groups_text’ label of the group field
- ‘unsubscribe_button’ submit button text after you select group
4. Send message to all or selected member of the group
[uws_form type='group_send' group_id='2' member_select='yes']
Params :
- ‘group_id’ send message to group/groups comma separated
- ‘member_select’ need to select member. /yes/no
- ‘form_title’ title of the form
- ‘member_title’ label
- ‘send_button_text’ button text
- ‘message_text_title’ label
- ‘send_response’ response text
- ‘message_content’ default message
- ‘message_type’ type of message you want to send // uws-sms, uws-call