Delete a Member

Phillip Dane

Last Update 3 maanden geleden

Deleting / Remove a member of a group

To Delete or Remove Member go to your WordPress Dashboard

  1. Open Ultimate WP SMS Plugin
  2. Click Group Manager tab
  3. Select which Group to delete the member then click the View Members button and the Members Sidebar will show.

Delete Member

To delete an existing member, press the “Action” dropdown menu at the right side of the member and press “Remove” or “Remove from all group” to remove the member with the same phone number from all groups. A confirmation will pop out, then proceed if you want to continue deleting the member.

Delete Multiple Members at Once

You can also delete multiple members at once. Simply select and click the checkbox that corresponds to the name of the members you want to delete, then press the Bulk Action to open the dropdown menu and select “Remove” or “Remove from all group“. A confirmation will pop out, then proceed if you want to continue deleting the members.

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